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May 16, 2023

Value-Based Care Tip: Break Down Vital Provider, Payer & Patient Data Silos Using Powerful Prior Auth Software

by Susan Lawson-Dawson | Healthcare Technology, Prior Authorization

Moving from fee-for-service to a value-based care model requires a significant change in perspective. What’s one of the most critical changes that needs to take place? Efficient, seamless exchange of patient, provider, and payer data. Unfortunately, healthcare relies on complex data ecosystems and struggles with data silos—a hurdle that hampers the full realization of the value-based care approach. Prior auth software makes short work of data silos, in the process creating momentum for transitioning to value-based care.

Prior auth software enables interoperability

Data silos occur when data is stored in separate systems, making it difficult to share information across different platforms. In healthcare, this can lead to fragmented patient care, operational inefficiencies, and increased costs. Prior auth software has emerged as a critical tool for dismantling these data silos by centralizing vital patient, provider, and payer data.

Prior authorization involves obtaining approval from payers before a patient can receive a specific service, medication, or procedure. Traditional prior authorization processes have earned a reputation as cumbersome and time-consuming, involving numerous phone calls, faxes, and paperwork.

Software automates the process, leading to a streamlined prior auth workflow that saves time and reduces administrative burdens for both providers and payers. In addition, it eliminates bottlenecks in patient care journeys, contributing to greater engagement and better health outcomes. And, of course, that moves us all one step closer to value-based care. 

Prior auth software benefits value-based care models

Shifting to value-based care can potentially lead to healthier populations, more efficient and effective healthcare systems, and lower healthcare costs. It represents a significant shift in how healthcare is delivered and paid for, with the focus on quality over quantity.

McKinsey research found that investment in value-based care more than quadrupled from 2019 to 2021. Why now? Even before the pandemic, the U.S. healthcare system faced some huge  pressures. 

  • Staffing shortages continue. 
  • At the same time, 72 million Baby Boomers are poised to retire or have already done so.
  • In addition, nearly half the U.S. population suffers from at least one chronic condition. 
  • Higher utilization of healthcare services is a certainty. 

As a result, McKinsey projects that the number of patients receiving treatment within value-based care organizations could double in the next five years, with a 15% annual growth rate. 

How does prior auth software help? 

Creates a streamlined, high-efficiency process

By automating the prior authorization process, the software helps expedite the approval process, reducing delays in patient care. It requires minimal manual data entry, enables real-time data exchange between providers and payers, and removes the need to track down hard-to-find payer requirements. Such detective work is typical in more manual processes; staff searches for payer documentation or spends time on frustrating phone calls and faxes to determine if prior authorization is required and what submission criteria is needed. 

By streamlining data exchange and using intelligent technologies, prior auth software facilitates faster decision-making. At the same time, it reduces administrative burdens and the costs associated with them, while speeding patients’ access to medically-necessary care. 

Enhances patient care

With quicker and more efficient prior authorization, patients experience reduced wait times for necessary treatments, medications, or procedures. This leads to improved patient satisfaction and outcomes in a value-based care model that emphasizes quality and timely care. Moreover, seamless data exchange enhances care coordination and collaboration between healthcare providers and payers. 

By allowing sharing of patient data, treatment plans, and authorization status, prior auth software supports more effective communication and informed decision-making among all stakeholders involved in the patient’s care.

Improves compliance and transparency

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) already have rules in play—and more pending—to strengthen interoperability across the healthcare landscape. Prior auth software helps ensure compliance with both regulatory requirements and payer policies. It does this by enabling accurate documentation, audit trails, and reporting. In turn, this fosters transparency in the prior authorization process. Transparency helps build trust between providers and payers and promotes a collaborative approach to healthcare delivery.

The bottom line: prior auth software eases pressures you face

Transitioning to a value-based care model requires breaking down data silos for efficient data exchange between patients, providers, and payers. Prior auth software emerges as a powerful tool to accomplish this crucial goal. By centralizing vital data and automating the prior authorization process, it streamlines workflows, saves time, reduces administrative burdens, and eliminates bottlenecks in patient care journeys. 

As the healthcare industry faces mounting pressures and the shift towards value-based care accelerates, investing in prior auth software becomes imperative. It enables high-efficiency processes, enhances patient care, promotes compliance and transparency, and facilitates better communication and collaboration among all stakeholders. 

Embracing prior auth software is a vital step towards realizing the potential of value-based care and achieving improved healthcare outcomes for all.

See how it works. Connect with Myndshft to get started.