Focus on Patients – Not Paperwork
We launched Myndshft with a singular but ambitious goal. To fix the “administrative plumbing” that keeps healthcare stuck in the past.
The first step to making that a reality is to free providers from the grip of time-sucking processes and technology that only serve to undermine patient care. There are a lot of obstacles that stand in the way, however.
- The administrative side of healthcare is unnecessarily slow, complex and expensive; in fact, it constitutes 30 cents from every dollar spent on healthcare today.
- The smartest people in the world still use faxes and spreadsheets to manage the business of healthcare.
- The entire system works on a quagmire of middlemen, profit extraction and point solutions.
- The vast majority of technology in healthcare was designed and built before the internet–limiting the ability to execute even the simplest of transactions.
With that in mind we’ve built a platform that can finally connect all the healthcare stakeholders, automate and simplify the administrative transactions, and amplify the collective intelligence of the entire network.
We’ve done the hard work. Now let’s work together to shift the focus—from paperwork to patients.