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Myndshft Blog

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March 19, 2022

Bringing Real-Time Medical Benefits Checks to the Point of Service Through Automation

by Developer | Healthcare Administration, Healthcare Technology

This infographic provides an illustration through the current manual process of the up front process of revenue cycle versus the automation process path.  Through the journey you are able to visualize the reduction in manual labor to your current manual process to see the impact it would make on your staff, the improvement in price transparency to patients, and increasing collections at the point of service.

  • Leverage price transparency at the point of service to improve the patient experience.
  • Leverage collection opportunities at the point of service
  • Reduce manual labor on administrative paperwork
  • Focus on the work that matters, providing the best patient care possible


Revenue Cycle Process Infographic


Learn more about Myndshft’s solutions and how you can bring real-time medical benefits checks to the point of service by clicking here.